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On-Farm Secondary Containment


    “Cookie Cutter” On-Farm Secondary Containment
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) now requires bulk liquid fertilizer stored on-farm to be stored in
tanks located inside approved secondary containment. BEI has developed a low cost “cookie cutter” on-farm secondary containment program that will provide MDA permitted secondary containment with minimal paperwork for the farmer or the dealer.
The MDA has established a phased-in permitting approach for farmers who are unpermitted and currently store bulk liquid fertilizer of no more than 24,000 total gallons capacity. By submitting the permit application with BEI the farmer will be approved for construction without the need for further MDA review. The applicant will then be considered “permit pending”, meaning construction of the secondary containment dike will occur on an established schedule
  How the program works:
-BEI works directly with the dealer, who in turn works with the farmer.
-Dealer receives easy to use software program from BEI.
-Dealer asks only for the farmer‘s address, contact information and 911 address, plus asks five questions:
1. Size of tank(s)? (choose from 3000, 6000, 12000 or 24000)
2. Number of tank(s)? (one or two, maximum total storage of 24,000 gallons)
3. Earthen or steel secondary containment? (assumes farmer will form earthen structure based on drawings provided by BEI)
4. Farmer to install or BEI to install? (BEI must certify farmer installed according to plan)
5. Is sales tax applicable? (sales tax is most likely applicable)
-Mail the signed contract with appropriate down payment to BEI.
-BEI will handle the details, obtain the permit, and install or deliver materials per the contract.
-When complete, BEI will invoice the dealer, less the financing dealer commission.